The prosecution’s most recent witness, a forensic video analyst, has the Urinator shaking in his boots:
“It would take someone 44 years — working nonstop, 24/7, 365 days a year — to be able to fake the sex tape at the heart of R. Kelly’s child-pornography trial, a forensic video analyst testified Thursday.
Defense attorney Sam Adam Jr. had practically equated a mole on Kelly’s back — which he said couldn’t be seen in the sex tape — to O.J. Simpson’s glove in his opening argument, essentially saying that if you don’t see the mole, it must not be Kelly. So when Fredericks showed how a spot on the male’s back was in fact visible in a half-second’s worth of footage once the tape was slowed down, the proverbial glove fit. ‘It’s in the exact same position, at about the same size,’ Fredericks said, pointing to a video display.”
When asked if the tape had been digitally altered, the witness replied:
“It could be done, but it wasn’t done on that tape,”
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